If you’re an insurance agency that wants to succeed with your next direct mail campaign, Dynamicard has created a list to show you how direct marketing services can help your insurance company. We have provided you with some insurance related direct mail tips to help you take advantage of these trends and drive a strong response rate.

Make Yourself Known

Instead of waiting around for new clients to find you make yourself known. When someone needs a new insurance policy, it’s likely that they’ll go with a brand that they’ve heard of and interacted with in some way. That’s why agencies that actively and consistently market to their audiences have a competitive edge over the ones that rely solely on referrals.

One of the best ways reach your target audience is with a compelling message done with direct mail marketing. Direct mail not only increases brand awareness, but it also generates quality leads when it is done correctly.

Set a Specific Goal

Before starting any kind of marketing campaign, it is important to set specific, and actionable goals. Take the time to think about what you are wanting to achieve. Things like:
What are the goals for this campaign?

Are you looking to increase brand awareness and get your name out there?
Are you targeting a specific type of insurance? like boat, motorcycle, car, home?
What about a target demographic? Who are you trying to reach?

You can’t go into your direct mail campaign without a clear objective, a budget, and a calculation of how many conversions you’ll have to get to secure a positive return on your investment. These are all things you must consider before you start the campaign. Otherwise you won’t know if you’ve reached your goal.

Identify Your Target Audience & Get a List

So since you have established your goals now you need to figure out who you need to target in order to reach that goal. This is where customer profiles come in. A “customer profile” is a description of your ideal customer, or the person you think will be most likely to convert. Think about the location, age, gender, and income of the people you need to attract in order to reach the goal you set.

Keep Your Messaging Simple

Don’t fill your mailer with a long message or multiples message. You want your insurance mailers to contain one simple message that speaks to your target audience. This should focus on their wants or needs (ie: lower insurance rates, better coverage for certain types of property, etc.). You don’t want to confuse your audience with too much information. Sometimes, it’s as simple as, “Want lower insurance rates? We can get you a better rate in just a few minutes! Contact XYZ Insurance at 555-555-5555 to request your free quote now!”

Include a Strong Call to Action

What do you want your prospects to do after reading your mailer? Visit your office? Contact you by phone? Visit your website? Request a quote on your online landing page? Whatever action you want them to take, you need to explicitly tell them to do so on your mailer. The most effective calls-to-action include some kind of offer, such as, “Call today to receive a free quote” or “Are you sure your policy covers everything? Visit the following URL for a FREE download of our comprehensive homeowners insurance checklist.”

Track Your Results

So remember those goals you set at the beginning, well before you send out your mailers you need to make sure you have a way of tracking those results. This is so you know what your return on investment is. We offer call-tracking, or a dedicated 1-800 number that your prospects can call and it will indicate to you that they came from the direct mail campaign. Insurance agents see the most success when they use an online landing page.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key. For that reason, we recommend you mail postcards on a monthly basis for at least 6 months. With that kind of consistency, you’ll surely see a steady stream of leads come in, even months after the mailings end.

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